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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We're doing Our Part Supplying Golf Packages – Here's Five Way to Do Yours

Here at, we know about the incredible blessing from above that is the game of golf.  Unfortunately, some blessings come with a few, inconvenient curses.  Golf is not an entirely cheap sport.  We understand your plight. That's why our site was created with the intention of supplying you with discounted golf packages!  We feel like we're doing our part, but you could help yourself by finding other ways to save, creating the ability to spend more on golf in the process!

It's easy to work up an appetite on the golf course.  It's also easy to spend a lot of money at the grocery store – especially if you don't make a list beforehand.  Don't blindly go into the store without knowing what to buy.  That's like randomly pulling a club out of your bag.  Make a list before going to the store.  You'll be able to curtail extra costs and save money for things more important than food – such as golfing trips!

There was a time when credit cards didn't exist.  How did people live?  More importantly, how did they buy high-end golf equipment?  There are some instances when credit cards come in handy but don't abuse them.  Doing so only increases the likelihood of racking up high principle rates and associated interest rates.  We've all been there; once you begin only paying the minimum, you dig yourself deeper and deeper in debt.  Be smart with your money; seek golf packages and keep your credit cards in your wallet more often.

We know it looks cool to hang out in the café at Barnes and Noble or similar bookstores.  Paying a couple of dollars for a coffee is not too bad, yet paying twenty dollars or more per book can tax the wallet.  We're not discouraging the act of reading; doing so increases intelligence and the likelihood you'll take advantage of our golf packages!  However, rather than buying books, consider renting them for free at your local library.

Tame your emotions.  If you're one of those guys who's thrown a club a time or two after a disastrous drive, self control might not be your strong suit, yet try a little discipline when it comes to impulsive shopping.  Do you really need another designer golf shirt?  Look good by improving your game rather than your golfing wardrobe.  The next time you go to grab something off the rack, ask yourself, "Do I need this or do I want this?"  You'll be surprised at how less often things are needed.
You've been driving with the oil light on for a few weeks now – at least.  We know; it's annoying waiting a half hour or so for an oil change.  In addition, it's another cost.  Do you know what also costs money? The neglect of your car costs money.  Don't dismiss the need for minor maintenance.  Dismissing minor maintenance now means having no other choice but paying attention to major automotive needs later.

We know the game costs some green.  You're reading our blog and now know about our golf discounts.  You're on the right path!  Keep making good decisions by heeding some of our mentioned money-saving tips.



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